Chappaquiddick 2018 Movie Trailer Video HD

Video: Chappaquiddick 2018 Movie Trailer Video HD

Chappaquiddick 2018 Movie Trailer Video HD Hollywood Trailers.

Video Details

Movie Chappaquiddick

Jason Clarke, Kate Mara, Ed Helms, Bruce Dern, Jim Gaffigan

Category Hollywood Trailers

On July 18, 1969, Sen. Ted Kennedy drives his car off of a bridge on Massachusetts’ Chappaquiddick Island. The accident results in the death of passenger Mary Jo Kopechne, a 28-year-old campaign strategist who worked for Kennedy. The ongoing investigation into the mysterious and scandalous events forever alters his political legacy — and ultimately changes the course of presidential history.

Director: John Curran
Screenplay: Andrew Logan
Cinematography: Maryse Alberti
Producers: Chris Cowles, Mark Ciardi, Chris Fenton, Campbell G. McInnes